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Timetable details to help you accomplish Rush Alterations on time

Mister Freedom selvedge raw denim jeans with rush next-day chain stitch hemming alterations service

  By Maurice Malone  Published August 24, 2022

In-person tailoring requests peak on Saturdays, and that's also when we put the most emphasis on producing custom-made jeans. As a corollary, Saturday is the day when customers are most likely to request same-day, walk-in rush hemming. Since weekends are so hectic, we don't include in those days for any rush orders that don't require in-person while-you-wait service.

Notes for online rush alterations delivered by courier

Write "RUSH" on the package if you are mailing in clothing for rush alterations services. We receive parcels containing clothing every day to be tailored. Due to the high volume of work, packages are sometimes not checked in until the next day to be recorded as received. Packages should read "RUSH" for customers who opt for the expedited service. This will help to guarantee that your shipment is processed quickly and that alterations are finished before the deadline.

Package delivered for rush alterations service to Williamsburg Garment Company