Reinforce & repair ripped jeans with us!

Crotch blowout is a common problem that occurs with wearing denim, especially for those produced in raw denim. Here, we show how to repair ripped jeans through photo examples of our past works below.

On this jean, we used a piece of the same denim fabric at the inside of the jeans, overlapping the seam line. When the exact same fabric is not available as with jeans from other brands, we find the closest match in weight, stretch or color.

Finished close-up of repaired jeans with ripped crotch holes.


Reinforcement was needed around the double needle seam line as stress from pulling and movement appears to rip the fabric at each side of the seam. In our repair, we made sure some of the stitching extended onto the seam to strengthen the overall support around the center seam.

Williamsburg example of how to repair ripped jeans.

The photo below shows the jeans with holes at seat before mending. Please note, we no longer provide walk-in service because we share a work space with Brooklyn Denim Co. If you prefer our prices and service on your jeans, you must order online.

Repair ripped jeans image shows holes in denim seat.

Author: Maurice Malone Aug. 3, 2018