Ladies... Get to know Chain Stitch Hemming

Sheri Sharif June 29, 2020
Women's fashion tends to heavily feature bright colors, flowing fabrics, and eye-catching accessories. However, when it comes to denim, a lot of women gravitate towards the wash and whatever fit flatters them the best. But with jeans, like any well-built classic, sometimes you gotta lift the hood to check out all the details of the design.
Often times hemming your jeans is necessary. Maybe your heel got caught in your pants seam or that cuff you tried to iron secure just won't stay. Avoid rushing over to a basic tailor and seek out a denim specialist. Your favorite pair of jeans deserve alterations and length adjustment by a denim professional. One who won't jeopardize the quality or original details.
This pair of women's jeans from Closed were hemmed to preserve the original look using pale gray chain stitching and bar tacked to prevent it from unraveling. You can even add a unique touch and personalize your denim by requesting a contrasting thread for a pop of color.