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Finally, a service to customize t-shirts

By Maurice Malone  Published March 30, 2022

Take a look at the work on these tees as an example of how you can customize t-shirts for fit or shape using our professional alterations services. Whether you are seeking to change the style to say a boxy, short belly peeking look, or simply to shorten the body length to improve the fit, our newest service is here for you.

This example shows a great way to personalize a newfound vintage t-shirt for one of our customers was to take off 1-inch in length. Now it looks and fits perfectly.

Vintage printed tee with altered body length using Williamsburg Garment Company's new service to shorten and customize t-shirts.

If you are not as tall as the individuals most of the fashion industry designs for, achieving a nice fit is priceless. Or, about $15 using our t-shirt alterations service. Examine our hemming on the t-shirt below to see how our industrial machines closely match the original factory construction, as we shortened this Uniglo tee by 2-inches.

Close-up sewing details show how we hem t-shirts that matc the original construction
Uniqlo blank green customize t-shirt with fit alterations using Williamsburg Garment Company's new service to shorten the sleeve or body length on tees.