Guide to review & compare the measurements of raw denim selvedge J. Crew 770 slim-straight vs Slim Grand Street American made jeans

Fit comparison of selvedge raw denim slim-straight vs slim fit – J. Crew 770 vs Williamsburg Grand Street American made jeans


Here we compare men’s 770 Japanese selvedge J. Crew and Williamsburg American made jeans Grand Street button-fly selvedge slim fit, produced in Cone White Oak Denim made in the USA. Both styles were measured and reviewed in raw denim versions: Slim-straight vs slim fit jeans.


If you own a pair of J. Crew 770 jeans, you can expect to wear the same size in our Williamsburg jeans. Expect a slightly smaller waistband, leg opening, thigh and lower rise from WGC. All other measurements are very close on the J. Crew jeans..

J. Crew 770 raw denim slim fit jeans for men

J. Crew

770 - Slim Fit

Grand St. men’s slim selvedge raw denim American made jeans

Williamsburg Garment Co.

Grand St. - Slim Fit

Waist (Measured along top WB) Size:32

34 1/2"


Seat (Measured 8"below WB)

39 3/4"


Front Rise (Including WB)


10 1/4"

Thigh (Measured 1" Below Crotch)

24 1/4"


Leg Opening


14 3/4"


31 1/2"

35 1/2"




Fabric Comments

Selvedge Denim

14.75 oz Selvedge

Suggested Retail Price



Country of Make




Measurements are taken from actual store bought samples. Our recorded specs may differ from a brands official spec as sometimes final production products slightly differ from targeted measurements, or we may measure slightly different than other jeans brands.

When comparing sizing from top denim brands, please note, we use total circumference measurements, while others may use 1/2-circumference measurements in fit charts. Some information when not available to us may be taken from the brands website or a brands retailers websites. In no way do we state our specs or other information related to competing denim brands is 100% accurate. To get the most accurate info on all brands products you should always refer to that brands website or contact the brand directly.